C played outdoor soccer this fall at the YMCA. I don't know if he liked the actual soccer or the talking to friends more, but I think he had a good time. I finally took some pictures of his last game. I think there was more big finding, rock collecting, grass picking and hugging going on most games than actual soccer being played. But, I guess you can't expect much from 3 and 4 year olds who have never played before.
Yes, that is my son with his shirt over his head standing in the middle of the field while the other kids, watch and then run after the ball. Gotta love it!
Drew wanted to help coach, so now we have 2 fabulous purple shirts with their names on the backs of them!
Here he is in all his Purple glory! Actually running after the ball and playing the game. YAY!
On picture day, K wore her purple shirt that morning thinking that she was having her picture taken. She was so disappointed that she didn't get her picture taken too. So, luckily I had my camera, and our little cheerleader was able to have her picture taken just like the bigger kids.
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