Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Once again...

For the third time since we moved to OH, C has cut his head open and needed a trip to the ER. This time he was running at school during their outside time. He tripped and fell onto the blacktop. It apparently didn't phase him because he didn't know anything was wrong until another kid told him he 'had blood' So, the teacher cleaned him up, called me, and we made a trip to the ER. Luckily this time, they said he wouldn't need stitches, just some glue. He was really grateful for that. So am I. I don't think I could have handled his bloody murder screaming like the last time they put stitches in his forehead. He walked away with a purple spot on his forehead, a few stickers, and a new love for Transformers (thanks to the med tech helping out). Maybe we need to move from this place before he becomes one big walking scar...


Mamapierce said...

Wow. We have yet to make a trip to the ER for Anna...I'm glad that C is okay!

Lilola said...

Soon all the ER staff will be calling "Hey C!" when he walks in. Move away and you'll be going to an ER full of strangers! Don't do that!